
Postdoctoral Fellowships

Every year, NBHM offers Postdoctoral Fellowships (PDF) to selected young mathematicians who have completed their PhD degree in mathematics. The NBHM PDFs are mathematicians below the age of 35 who have a doctoral degree or equivalent published research work. Persons who have submitted their dissertations for a PhD degree are also eligible to apply.

Information Related to NBHM Post-doctoral Fellowship

  • The fellowship is tenable for two years in the first instance, and is extendable for a third year after a review by NBHM. Years are to be counted from the date of joining. The Fellowship normally commences from 1st of a calendar month.
  • The Postdoctoral Fellowship will be fixed at one of the three levels (Rs.58,000/- OR 61,000/- OR Rs.67,000/- per month) and shall remain constant throughout the tenure, based on the work experience as a PDF, post receipt of the PhD degree certificate.
  • Contingency Grant is Rs.40,000/- per annum. For Utilisation visit Fanancial Support Page.
  • The Contingency Grant cannot be utilized for Foreign Travel or other expenses for Visit Abroad
  • The Post Doctoral Fellow should be provided hostel/subsidised accommodation wherever available. In case of non-availability of hostel / subsidised accommodation, House Rent Allowance is admissible as per central government rules.
  • Reader Allowance of Rs.2,000/- per month (for visually handicapped persons only).

Application Process for NBHM Post-doctoral Fellowship:

  • The Application must be prepared by filling of the form NBHM PDF Application Form,
  • Enclosers should contain Synopsis/Summary of the thesis,List of journal publication/s' link (including communicated/accepted), etc.
  • Application to be sent by email in the following email IDs.

    Email: psmsnbhm@dae.gov.in   & nbhmpdf@gmail.com

    No hardcopy of the application is required.

  • Fresh Applications will be processed in two to cicles with strict deadlines: A AUTUMN cycles and Spring cycle

    Submission deadline for the Autumn processing cycle: 30 June 

    Submission deadline for the Spring processing cycle: 31 December

  • Proposal received beyond deadline will be considered for the subsequent batch for review.
  • The list of Publication and Patent Information(if any) coming out of the NBHM Grants along with the Completion Report,  Utilisation Certificate and Statement of Accounts duly signed by the guide and head of the institution, and a suitable recommendation of further grant, if any, are necessary to be submitted to NBHM (DAE) withinOne Month.
  • Applicant can avail only once NBHM fellowship for each scheme. With application, self-certificate must be submitted.

NBHM Postdoc Results:

NBHM Post-Doctoral Fellowship Results- 2024(Part-I)

Few OLD Results of NBHM Post-doctoral Fellowship 2022